More finishes...

... to show you! Here's the little tin I've made as a returngift for Marlies, for the Crazyexchange. Marlies makes little woolfelt puppets, and this fairy looks a lot like them.

Design: from the book "Rouge" (
Fabric: 32 ct. Lugana "Creamy Cocoa" from Sassy's Fabby's
Floss: "Burnt Orange", Victoria Motto Sampler Shoppe
Finish: Tincover

Here's the inside of the tin:

Last friday I received part 11 and 12 of Bent Creek's Red Thread serie. And although I had the flew, I did manage to finish it this weekend. This is a close up of the last parts:

And here is the total (which is hard to photograph, because it's so long!):

Design: "Red Thread", Bent Creek
Fabric: 32 ct. Zweigart Belfast linen "Vintage ecru"
Floss: GAST, WDW and some DMC

I'm bringing the Red Thread to my framer, and will hang it in my toilet when it's ready.

Before I started to feel ill, I finished "It's not dust..." into a Stitchers box:

Design: "It's not dust, it's indoor snow" by Stitches 'N' Stones
Fabric: 28 ct. Linen band
Floss: DMC and Whisper from Rainbow Gallery
Finish: Stitchersbox

DH got this box last year with two bottles of wine in it, and I new right away, that it's going to be a stitchersbox one day ;) I'm really pleased with the result.

I'm still waiting for my exchanges to arrive... I'm getting worried :(

With 4 exchanges still on their way, I've already got 20 finishes this year!!! You can all see them on my website.


Verona zei…
prachtige werkjes heb je gemaakt Simone
Judith zei…
Prachtige dingen heb je weer gemaakt. Ik had trouwens nog nietgezien dat ik bij becky had gewonnen. Soms heb je wel eens geluk. Vaak genoeg ook niet.
Carol R zei…
A wonderful box Simone!
Lennu zei…
Lovely finishes Simone! The box is beautiful.

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