Exchanges arrived

A few days ago was Daniela's Birthday, so she could finally open up my present for the Birthday exchange! Daniela asked for an exchange from senders country, so I tried to make her a Dutch Birthday present.

A Dutch handkerchief, a Dutch chart, Dutch licorice, a Dutch tuckpillow and some other goodies.

I also received a message from Edgar, that he finally received my HOE LHN exchange! I stitched the "Wool Needlebook" for him, but changed it into a "Pyn Keepe" (I love the way Edgar use to write this!).

Design: Wool Needlebook - Little House Needlework
Fabric: 32 ct. Natural Irish linen
Floss: DMC
Finish: Pynkeepe

I saw on Edgar's blog that he also likes black licorice. Since it's typical Dutch, I sent him a big bag, along with some other goodies. You can see the complete exchange in Edgar's blog.


Andrea zei…
Wonderful exchanges. Your 'DO Bears' piece looks fantastic now it is all framed and up on the wall.

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