Wish granted by Carol

Wow! Carol told me 2 days ago that she posted my mattress pincushion and I found it already on my doorstep!!! Look at this speedy "Bloom", that Carol perfectly finished for me. Carol granted my wish for a mattress pincushion on the "Make a Wish" exchange group.

Design: "Bloom" by Country Cottage Needlework
Fabric: 32 ct. Wichelt Chantilly country french linen
Floss: Crescent Colours and DMC

Thank you so much Carol for granting my wish!


Hardstikke lief matrasje !!!
Patti xx
Carol zei…
My pleasure Simone! I sure hope you do like it - there are tons of layers of Warm & Natural in it so that the PO would not crush it too badly. Hope it arrived in as good a shape as it appears to have - and wow, so fast!
Janaina zei…
Another precious piece from Carol! =)

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