Blogoversary Grab bag give away

You might have noticed that I have a Blogoversary in 12 days.... And since I not only enjoy receiving presents, but also like to give them away, I have a give away!

Het is je misschien opgevallen dat m'n Blog ook bijna jarig is.... En omdat ik het niet alleen leuk vind om kadootjes te krijgen, maar ook om ze weg te geven, ga ik dat over 12 dagen doen!

I have a lot of charts, some fabric, floss and other items I'll never going to use. So I'm going to give them away as one hudge Grab bag!

Ik heb een hele stapel borduurpatronen, stof, garen en andere dingen uit m'n kast opgeruimd, die ik toch nooit ga gebruiken. En deze ga ik weggeven als één groot verrassingspakket!

Please, leave a comment on this post only, and mention the give away on your own blog. Add your email-adress or a link to it in your comment so I can reach you, when you're the lucky winner. On May 9th (the day my blog exists two years) I'll draw one name out of all the comments.

Als je een berichtje achterlaat bij dit blogje en ook de "give away" noemt op je eigen blog, loot je mee naar de prijs. Zorg dat ik je kan bereiken als je evt. de winnaar zou zijn. Op 9 Mei (de 2-jarige verjaardag van m'n blog) trek ik één naam uit alle berichtjes.

Good luck to all of you!

Hugs, Simone

Edited May 9th: You can't join the give away anymore! The winner is nr. 34, Sharon!


Virpi zei…
I would like to participate! Thank you.
Berna zei…
Twee jaar alweer. Bij jou vergeleken kom ik echt net kijken.
Ik ding graag mee naar je "Give away". Mijn e-mailadres mail ik je wel.
Succes en ga zo door! Leuk om te lezen.
Berna zei…
Helaas, ik kan je niet mailen. Mag het ook via mijn weblog?
Autumn zei…
Ooo looks like a great grab bag! sign me up :) Congratulations on your blogaversary!
Becky K in OK zei…
Happy blogaversay. Please include me.
hedwig zei…
Gefeliciteerd met je blog verjaardag,ik ding graag mee naar de give away.
Meghann zei…
Happy blogoversary! I would love to be entered in the drawing.

Thank you
Edgar zei…
Happy Blogaversary!!! Please include me!!

Anoniem zei…
Wat een superleuk idee! Ik laat geen email achter maar mijn weblogadres. Dan kun je me ook bereiken mocht dat nodig zijn....

Adele zei…
Hello, i am Ady from Italy, i would like to partecipate, congratulation for your blogaversary!!
Chantal zei…
Gefeliciteerd met je blog verjaardag . Je blog is altijd leuk om te lezen , je hebt zoveel geborduurd .
Groetjes uit België

mijn emailadres heb je wel denk ik .
Daffycat zei…
Fun, fun! Congratulations on two years of blogging!

Enter me in your draw, please!
Anoniem zei…
Please enter me in your drawing!! thanks
robin pich
Lynn zei…
Please enter me in your giveaway. Happy Blogaversart.
Elza zei…
Alweer twee jaar wat gaat de tijd snel.
En wat heb je veel gemaakt in die twee jaar.
Natuurlijk doe ik graag mee aan je give away en zet je link op mijn blogje.
Groetje ELza.
Sadie zei…
Congratulations on your blogaversary! Please enter me into your draw.
Sadie x
Verona zei…
Gefeliciteerd met het twee jarig bestaan
Ik doe graag mee

Groetjes Verona de Jong
Dineke zei…
Hoi Simone, Alvast gefeliciteerd met je twee jarig blog bestaan. Je logjes zijn altijd leuk om te lezen en te kijken.
Ulla zei…
Please enter my name in the drawing!

suunnittelija @
Natasha zei…
I would love to be entered.. I also left a link in my SIDEBAR to your Blog Giveaway.
Thank you
Chiloe zei…
Happy blogoversary Simone !!!
lynda zei…
I would love a chance to win your giveaway. Congratulations on your upcoming blogoversary!

Ellen zei…
Happy Blogoversary! Please include me in your generous giveaway.

Jeanie zei…
Congrats on your coming 2nd blogoversary !! Please sign me up for the great Grab Bag :)
Cindy zei…
Happy Blogoversary, Simone.

Please enter me to your giveaway draw, wish me good

Thank you.
Carol R zei…
Happy blogoversary Simone - I will post on my blog when I next post. Please enter me into your great giveaway!
Lillie zei…
Happy Blogaversary
I would like to be in the draw.
Thanks and hugs,
Barbara J zei…
Happy Blogoversary! Please add my name to the hat :)

WOW what a great giveaway for a blogversary.
Congrats on the blogversary.
Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to sign up.
Karen zei…
I would love to join your giveaway! congrats on the blogoversary!
inge zei…
alvast gefeliciteerd met je blogverjaardag! ik kwam hier via Dineke terecht!
connie zei…
please enter me in the drawing..thank-you
Ronel zei…
WoW, this is so generous and kind of you. Please enter me for your draw. Kindest regards Ronel
Anoniem zei…
Congrats on the Blogaversary!!! Thanks for the contest! What a great bunch of stash!
Sharon zei…
Happy Blogaversary! Please enter me!
Diane H zei…
Greetings from Ontario Canada. I just found your wonderful blog. I love the snowman BOM, I'm going to try and find where you get the pattern from. Hope it 's ok if I become one of your followers.
Myra zei…
I would love to be entered in your giveaway. Happy blogaversary!
Nita zei…
Hello From Alabama, USA. Happy Blogoversary!Please include me in your drawing. What a wonderful selection of gifts!
Pike zei…
What great stuff! Please enter me!

Ancsi zei…
Please enter me in your giveaway. Happy Blogaversart.

Natalija zei…
Thank you for the giveaway! Please include me in the drawing.
stitchsavesnine (at) yahoo (dot) com

P.S. I have posted about your giveaway on my blog:
Micki zei…
How nice to celebrate an anniversary with a giveaway! I would love to enter!
Jaana zei…
Sign me up, and congratulations!!
Tracey zei…
Please enter me as well! Thank you so much!!
Tracey in NC, USA
Mia zei…
Congratulations on the 2 year old blog :D I've enjoyed reading your blog and seeing your wonderful work!

I'd love to participate too, thank you :D Your giveaway looks really great!!
Anoniem zei…
Congrats for 2 whole years of blogging. I am still in my first year and it has brought me much joy being able to see the lovely things that stitchers all over the world makea dn finish. Please enter me into your grab bag contest. marexstitch@
imnverted zei…
Congrats on 2 years! Please include me in the drawing :o)
Riet zei…
Hoi Simone, Alvast gefeliciteerd met je 2 jarig "blogaversary".
Ik wil dat leuke borduurpakket wel winnen. Bij mijn volgende berichtje zal ik een link naar je blog zetten.
Wat heb je trouwens allemaal leuke dingen gekregen! Veel plezier met het openen van de pakjes.

Groetjes Riet.
Myra zei…
Oh I would love to be entered in your giveaway. Happy blogaversary!
Angela zei…
Well done on keeping your blog going for 2 years. Please include me in the draw.
Lindsay zei…
Happy Blogaversary. Please put my name in the hat
Hi Simone, what great outfit your blog has, I love it;-))
I also would love to get a chance to win your grabbag, i am in handdyed linens at the moment and it would be great to get my hands on some;-))

Gaby from Germany
Lichtlein zei…
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Blog, er ist wirklich hübsch und liebevoll gestaltet.
Über eine Überraschungs-Tüte würde ich mich sehr freuen :-)
Freundliche Grüße sendet
Sonda zei…
Please include me in your drawing! nfdemtp74 (at) gmail (dot) com

Sonda in Oregon
Sandra zei…
What an amzing collection of goodies, please would you include me in the draw. My email is in my blogger profile, should you need it!!
Meari zei…
Happy Blogversary!! I'd love to be included in your giveaway.
CJ zei…
Happy anniversary. I would love to be considered for you grab bag giveaway, it is very generous of you to put this together.

CJ in Texas
valerie zei…
How fun! Please include me in your giveaway. Here's to another 4 more years of blogging! Happy blogoversary!
Linda zei…
Well - 4 years. Congratulations on four years of blogging. Please add me to you giveaway, and thanks to Meari for heading me off onto your lovely blog.
Linda F in TX
Kim Reid zei…
Happy Anniversary! Please enter me in your great surprise grab bag giveaway - Thank you!
craftypatty2 zei…
Please include my name in your draw. Thank you
Cindy L zei…
please enter my name in your give away. It looks wonderful! And congrads on your blog anniversery :-)
qm zei…
gefeliciteerd met je twee jarig bestaan.
je hebt erg leuke dingen op je blog staan.
Ik ding graag mee naar je "give away"
Lisa zei…
Happy belated birthday...and Happy early blog-oversary! Please enter my name in your wonderful give-a-way!
Sheila zei…
I can't resist a giveway - Congrats on your blogaversary.

Terry N zei…
i love your blog. i would like to join too for the grab bag.and happy blogaversary. Terry N
Nina zei…
Happy Blogoversary Simone!

I've added this picture with this link on my blog on the left side coloumn.
Thanks for the giveaway, I'd like to be the lucky winner ;))

Have a nice day!

Nina zei…
oh, my blog is:
Diana zei…
Happy blog anniversary! Please include me in your giveaway. The gifts look very nice.
Theresa zei…
Hello~~ I just discovered your blog!!! All your work are just wonderful~~~ I will definitely be back for more~
Thank you for this generous giveaway, I would post it on my blog soon.

Congrats! I'd like to participate, too. I put your link on my sidebar.
Kryx zei…
Dear Simone,

Happy blogoversary to you! Please enter me your drawing.

fili e colori zei…
Happy blogoversary, please enter me in your give away.
I have linked you on my blog

Márti zei…
Thank you for the giveaway! Please include me in the drawing!

Michele zei…
Happy Blogiversary! Looks like a fun fun fun grab bag! Please add me to your drawing :)

and I'm posting this on my blog :)
baboo zei…
congratulation on your blog, that's so lovely! :)

i try my luck in the last minutes, i hope so that i will be a lucky winner, since your giveaway is fantastic!

the post is on the left side of my blog:

thank's for the chance,
Carissa zei…
Found your blog by way of another, and such a nice blog it is! Would love to be entered in your giveaway.
mariah zei…
Deze reactie is verwijderd door de auteur.

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